Since my move to a new apartment I have given up unpacking boxes in order to get my 2018 wooden Easter Egg designs developed and painted. They are now ready for purchase for those of you who have asked about this years eggs. Each egg is hand painted and sealed with a durable varnish. They are can last a life time and will never smell if you hide them in the house and are unable to find them later.  I also have a 2 new items that may be of interest, hand painted wooden easter candle holders. You can view the easter items by clicking on any of the photos below. You will be happy to know I have finally figured out how to make the ordering easier, I think. Let me know if you have suggestions. 

Below the Easter photos are some interesting art facts I came across recently I think you might enjoy.


2018 Easter Eggs


Candle Holders





Here’s looking at you.

 Just for fun

From 1912-1948, the Olympic Games awarded medals for artworks inspired by sport. 

When the Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre in 1911, the empty space it left on the wall attracted more visitors than the painting had. 

The only painting sold by Vincent van Gogh in his lifetime was The Red Vineyard which was bought by the Belgian artist Anna Boch.

The Red Vineyard


Vincent Van Gogh