Just off my easel are two new paintings, Lakota Raven and Dakota Moon. These paintings were created in honor of my friend and fellow artist KC Willis and her work among the Lakota people on the Pine Ridge Reservation.


Lakota Raven
8″ x 9″
Click here to purchase


Ravens have always fascinated me, both their behavior and their physical beauty. They are considered one of Mother Nature’s most intelligent creatures. Many cultures throughout the ages have written stories of intrigue, guidance and wisdom centered around the raven. 

Lakota artist Gerald Cournoyer says “The
symbolism of the raven is particularly important and is believed to bring
story of the future to individuals and serves as a warning to animals
that prey is near.”

Dakota Moon
9″ x 12″
 Click here to Purchase

I am at a loss for words when I see a beautiful moon. Her celestial beauty has captured both my heart and imagination since I was a small child. Seeing her rise here in the western skies is such a gift as I continue my life of art and art making. I can only imagine how she must look over the Dakota hills. 

Both of these paintings are now for purchase here at my website. Part of the proceeds from these sales will be given to KC to help purchase needed supplies for a family in need at the Pine Ridge reservation.