“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way — things I had no words for.”
– Georgia O’Keefe

Hello and Welcome to my website.
I am Maureen and I am so glad you stopped by to view my art. Here you will see the results of my creative and playful explorations in a variety of art mediums. I love applying rich acrylic paints to canvas, cutting intricate wooden forms and sculpting whimsical paper mache animals. My greatest inspiration comes from the natural world, flora and fauna, birds of the air and Biblical themes.
As I begin any piece of art, I find my heart filled with a chorus of emotions that light my path in the creative process. It starts with gratitude, followed by joyful excitement, hope, amusement, and serenity. Then comes the challenge of harnessing that chorus into a cohesive piece of art whose goal is to touch another human heart with gratitude and joyful hope along their life’s journey. My art is flat, uninteresting, and lifeless without these precious emotions.
Before I began my journey as a full-time artist 13 years ago, I worked with children from 8 to 18 and occasionally with adults of all ages. I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Art Education from the University of Houston. I have taught in elementary and middle schools in Texas and New Jersey. For more than 25 years, I was privileged to interact with young minds and hearts, exploring the visual arts and their role in human culture. I am proud of the many students I have taught who have a deep love and joy of the visual arts to this day. Many of whom are active artists today.
Art that is created in love and born from within the artist has the potential to bring joy to a human soul.
– Maureen L. White

What patrons say about my work
Helena MT, © 2015-22 Maureen L. White. All rights reserved. All images and content on this site are copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the artist. For information about licensing of images, feel free to contact Maureen.
Site by Rippke Design