How can you heal cabin fever?

Mother Nature has certainly been busy these past few weeks bringing ice storms, deep snows, gale force winds and freezing temperatures all across our nation. If you live in Montana you get use to natures nasty winter battering and cabin fever is to be expected. But this type of winter is unusual for parts of the Midwest, the Eastern Seaboard and the South. People in these more mild climates are going crazy with cabin fever as they wait out Mother Natures furry. So what can you do to cure cabin fever? My remedy would be to gaze into a beautiful painting preferably one who’s subject matter is spring flowers or a summer outing at the beach. The painting above, Summer Garden, was painted while I was in the New York area during the January 13 snow storm that brought a foot of snow. I find the winter is a great time to paint subjects that are related to summer or spring. It helps my cabin fever and settles my soul.
I’m wondering what are some other ways that people can fight off cabin fever? If you have a creative idea and want to leave it in the comment section below I will enter your name in my free give away, ” The Blue Bird of Happiness”. I’ll draw the name on this Sunday February 6.

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The Blue Bird Of Happiness.